July 30, 2013
Where are we now?
This is how far we have come so far. Our return home will take us from Yellowstone to Flathead Lake in Montana where we will visit friends and see Glacier Park. From there we will head down to Ogden, Utah to take care of some family business. This was a bit of a monkey wrench in our original plan. We were going to be headed into the Pacific Northwest. We’ve had to cut those sites out due to the Ogden detour. We will probably leave Ogden and head toward Lake Tahoe, then into the Napa Valley area, stop in the SF Bay area to visit family and then wind our way down the California Coast stopping along the way before we get back to San Diego. Maybe I’ll get that round in at one of the Monterey / Carmel courses. Eventually, we will get back to San Diego. We will probably get back to SD around the third week of August, almost 8 weeks from when we left on 23 June.
we’re Sad its coming to an end but also looking forward to getting back home and enjoying the finest city on Earth.
Here are some links to more photos
photos from WI & MN – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v2ro58p5l990zob/D2npJy9Fwr
photos from SD & WY – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2df4prfoev37xkc/bK-gLk0h4o
photos from Yellowstone – https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7ug0g69f2x9fuin/Fkcj-ByPDm
The Yellowstone photos will be updated tomorrow, so check back.